FAQ on Annual Meeting Cancellation Posted

CHICAGO (April 15, 2020) – Insurmountable logistical issues, financial considerations, and the need for congregations to focus on local ministry amid the current pandemic led the Covenant Executive Board to cancel the denomination’s Annual Meeting rather than postpone or hold a virtual gathering, according to a statement released yesterday.

The board’s unanimous decision was announced April 8. The meeting was scheduled to be held June 25-27 in Phoenix.

“As states and provinces throughout the U.S. and Canada extended shelter-in-place guidelines, the work necessary to prepare for this event became severely impeded,” the statement said. “In addition, the ongoing disruption to life, ministry, and the economy from COVID-19 made it unrealistic for churches and delegates to budget the time and expense required to participate in this event.”

Much of the actionable items addressed during the Annual Meeting first need to be considered at conference annual meetings or among other constituent bodies. Rescheduling those meetings, most of which already have been canceled, would have been unrealistic due to COVID-19 guidelines, according to the statement.

The Executive Board also considered holding a half-day virtual meeting but decided against that option because they could not guarantee the implementation of a platform reliable enough to meet the requirements of Gather 2020.

Picture of Stan Friedman

Stan Friedman

Stan Friedman is an ordained minister in the Covenant Church. He formerly served on the Marketing and Communications team and is now in a chaplain residency in Naples, Florida.

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