Two Press Associations Name Companion Best Denominational Magazine

The Covenant Companion was named the best denominational magazine for content published in 2019 by the Associated Church Press and Evangelical Press Association.

The ACP announced the “Best of the Church Press” awards on March 19. It was the second time in three years the oldest Christian press association in the country named the Companion “Best in Class,” which it earned in 2018.

The ACP honored the magazine with other awards:

Linda Sladkey garnered an Award of Merit in the Service Journalism category for “Meet and Greet Survival Guide: An Introvert’s Approach to Sunday Morning Services.”

The Companion team was honored with an Award of Merit in In-Depth Coverage for its cover story “Can Power Be Saved?

Jelani Greenidge earned an Honorable Mention in Column/Journal.

The EPA honored the Companion with its “Award of Excellence” for denominational magazines on Tuesday. The Companion also earned the honor in 2016 and 2017 and received second-place awards in 2018 and 2019.

Art director Kristi Schild was honored this year for “Scars of Conscience” in two-page spread design.

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