Webinar on Loving Our Muslim Neighbors

(May 13, 2020) – The Serve Globally and Love Mercy Do Justice mission priorities are partnering to offer a webinar titled “The Challenge” at 11 a.m. CDT on Wednesday, May 20.

Hosted by Covenant minister Andy Larsen, the webinar will expand on the call to followers of Jesus to love and engage with Muslim neighbors. In keeping with this call, the webinar will be held during the last week of Ramadan, a holy month of fasting, prayer, and reflection in the Muslim community.

Larsen regularly consults with Covenant congregations on the topic, teaching the basics of Islam and encouraging churches to lovingly engage their Muslim neighbors down the street and across the globe. He says the purpose of the webinar is to help congregations to build a biblical foundation for loving their Muslim neighbors, develop relationships of love and trust, and foster conditions for peace and justice.

Future webinars will include interviews with other experts, such as a Muslim scholar and people who working with refugees from Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East. Topics will include the challenge of current Christian-Muslim relationships, models and methods of engagement, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The webinar will be hosted on Zoom. Click here to join.

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