Prayer Sought for Hindustani Covenant Church, India

CHICAGO (April 29, 2021) – Evangelical Covenant Church congregations are being asked to pray for the Hindustani Covenant Church as they seek to minister amid the Covid-19 disaster overwhelming India which has claimed the lives of many denomination members and leaders.

In a letter to fellow leaders of the International Federation of Free Evangelical Churches, of which the Covenant is a part, moderator Steven David wrote, “With too much agony in our heart, we want to express that, one after the other, our church leaders, pastors, and congregation members are taken away forever from the midst of us.”

David said he has performed many “last rituals” for victims. “Our hearts are totally broken, we are shattered within,” he said.

”We express our gratitude from the depth of our heart for upholding us in your personal prayers,” David wrote. “And now again, we urge you to pray for the families of the pastors, church leaders, and congregation members, that the Lord Jesus Christ may console them at this time of grief.”

Leaders of the Covenant’s Serve Globally mission priority are meeting with David to consider how to best minister alongside the Hindustani church through the crisis.

“The devastating news coming from HCC, our faithful partner in India, reminds us that Covid is not over—not by a long shot,” said Al Tizon, executive minister of Serve Globally. “We feel helpless being so far away from our brothers and sisters at HCC, as they are hit hard by a resurgence of Covid, but we can pray without ceasing and give generously.”

Officials from the World Health Organization say they fear the virus will continue to spread in rural areas as workers in the cities who have lost jobs due to lockdowns return to their home villages.

According to news reports, hospitals in some areas are turning people away due to a lack of beds, equipment, and oxygen.

Covenant World Relief and Development is responding directly to needs through the Hindustani Covenant Church. 

Picture of Stan Friedman

Stan Friedman

Stan Friedman is an ordained minister in the Covenant Church. He formerly served on the Marketing and Communications team and is now in a chaplain residency in Naples, Florida.

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