Weekly “CovChurch Now” Launched, Daily Newswire Emails to Cease

In an effort to streamline the number of emails coming to Covenanters’ inboxes, the monthly Covchurch Now email is now being delivered weekly, with curated announcements and news as well as links to stories by the award-winning Covenant Companion and the Home Altar.

The daily Newswire RSS feed will cease being emailed. Covenant Companion stories and the Home Altar will continue to be published online.

“We have made this decision to consolidate information in response to feedback from across the Covenant community. We hope that by providing fewer emails, we will see even greater engagement with our streamlined communications across our many mission priorities,” said Jennifer McIntyre, executive director of marketing and communications. “We are committed to sharing stories and information about all the wonderful things happening in the Covenant in the most effective way possible.”

The weekly email will be sent to all subscribers to CovChurch Now. To receive this content, subscribe here.

Picture of Stan Friedman

Stan Friedman

Stan Friedman is an ordained minister in the Covenant Church. He formerly served on the Marketing and Communications team and is now in a chaplain residency in Naples, Florida.

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