Latino Churches Celebrate Day of Baptisms

More than 400 people from Latino Covenant churches in the Central Conference gathered for worship, baptisms, and opportunities to reconnect at Covenant Harbor Bible Camp in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, on Sunday, August 15.

* Subtítulos disponibles en español

The churches have met yearly at the camp for the past 35 years, said Danny Martinez, superintendent of the Central Conference. Nine congregations participated.

Musicians and dancers from Iglesia del Pacto Belen (Belen Covenant Church) helped lead the worship service. Covenant minister Meztli Doles brought the morning message. Afterward, worshipers walked down to the shoreline to celebrate with more than 30 people who were baptized.

“Today we have seen how God is continuing to move in our churches,” said Martinez, adding that people being baptized is a sign of a healthy church.

Omololu Omonijo was one of those baptized. Omonijo began attending Iglesia del Pacto Albany Park four months ago after he met church member Elaine Harvey on a bus. “She asked me if I knew Jesus Christ,” he recalled. He told her he did but had not been living like it.

Harvey invited him to church. “Ever since then, I’ve been blessed being at this church. I’m grateful to be here. I’m grateful to be a part of the community,” Omonijo said.

Following the service, people stayed to share meals and stories.

Picture of Stan Friedman

Stan Friedman

Stan Friedman is an ordained minister in the Covenant Church. He formerly served on the Marketing and Communications team and is now in a chaplain residency in Naples, Florida.

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