The PSWC Seeks Superintendent Nominations

September 27, 2021

Greetings Covenanters,

As you are aware, Superintendent Paul Wilson for health reasons, will not seek a third term. This means we are entering a process to nominate the next superintendent of the Pacific Southwest Conference (PSWC).

Our superintendent sets the vision and pace for the conference. Working with leaders in the Covenant, the Conference, and our local churches, the Superintendent plays a key role that will impact all of us in the months and years to come.

As we look ahead to the 2022 Annual Celebration, it is our hope that we will be electing a new Superintendent to continue our journey of faith and the ministry priorities of the PSWC. While much has been accomplished, much remains. We have a solid foundation, but we must never pull back as the “harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few”. The PSWC Executive Board is the search committee and has the responsibility to present one nominee to the Annual Meeting for election. We have initiated this process at a September 18th meeting.

The committee is very aware that God has an ideal candidate in mind. It is our job to discern who that candidate is. We invite you into the process with us, through prayer and through your input. Specifically, we are soliciting nominations from throughout the Covenant. If you would like to offer a nomination, please send your nomination, the nominee’s best contact info, and a brief statement of the reasons that underlie your nomination to Please send your submission by Tuesday, November 2nd.

We’d also invite your input and reaction to the Superintendent Statement of Qualifications. A “PSWC Overview” will be available in the near future. All nominations and input will only be shared with the search committee and remain confidential.

The search committee is committed to seeking the broadest variety of perspectives and to giving a voice to every segment—and every individual —in the Conference and throughout the Covenant. So, we urge you to get involved in this process by offering your responses now.

Thank you so very much for your help with this task.

Sincerely in Christ,

Will Davidson
Chair, PSWC Superintendent Search Committee

En Español

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