Executive Minister of Ordered Ministry and Develop Leaders Shares Decision Regarding Renomination  

October 14, 2021

In a letter to the Covenant Executive Board and the Board of Ordered Ministry, Executive Minister of Develop Leaders and Ordered Ministry Lance Davis shared that he has prayerfully discerned to not pursue renomination:

“I believe that I was called to serve the denomination ‘for such a time as this’ and that God uniquely prepared me to provide resilient and steadfast leadership for this season in the Covenant Church. I also believe that what I was called to do, I’ve done. The Lord did not call me to be perfect in this role, only to be faithful. I have faithfully carried out my duties as the EM of Develop Leaders/OM and I pray that the Lord replaces me with a dutiful leader who will also remain faithful to this holy work. 

“ I was emphatic about the need for our pastors and chaplains to be loved, cared for, and held accountable. Since my election at Gather 2018, this is exactly what I have endeavored to do.” 

“While serving as executive minister, I have intentionally set out to see and value the people who do the actual work of denominational offices. As a shepherd leader, I have valued not only the work our colleagues put out or produce, but moreover, the people themselves.” 

“Our goal over the past three years has been to support the women and men of the cloth of the Covenant as they become ready and resilient. We’ve worked hard as a team to ensure that subsequent generations of Covenant clergy will be as committed to solid theological orthodoxy and orthopraxy, as were their Covenant predecessors. Hence, providing for our Covenant churches and institutions ministers who are ready for Covenant ministry. Through missional innovations such as the Fitness for Ministry assessment, self-care and respite opportunities, and access to assistance in a time of personal crisis, our ministers and their families know that they are important to us and that we want to care for them. These have become the building blocks of making our Covenant pastors resilient.” 

“I would like to thank my colleagues and friends for your prayers, support, and presence during these last few years. My desire is that we all continue to lift the Evangelical Covenant Church and its denominational team in our fervent prayers as we seek to join God in God’s mission to see more disciples among more populations in a more caring and just world.  

“ ‘Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ’ (1 Corinthians 1:3).” 

Rev. Davis will complete his four-year term as executive minister of Ordered Ministry and Develop Leaders in June 2022. The 20-member Ordered Ministry and Develop Leaders Nominating Committee has begun its process to seek to identify a new candidate to present to the 136th Covenant Annual Meeting in June 2022.

Covenanters are invited to provide their feedback to the committee via this link. Covenanters are also being asked for their prayers as the committee commences discernment to carry out this important assignment.

View the letter from Reverend Lance Davis here >>

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