David Kersten to Retire as Seminary Dean

David Kersten has announced his decision to retire from his role as vice president of church relations and dean of North Park Theological Seminary, effective August 1, 2022.

“We heartily congratulate Dave on this well-earned milestone, his thoughtful planning for this important transition—and profoundly thank him for a long and valued career of service that has brought so much to the Evangelical Covenant Church, to our seminary, and to North Park University,” wrote Mary Surridge, president of NPU, in an email to constituents.

Kersten began his leadership role in the seminary in 2012 after serving for 10 years as the executive minister of the Department of Ordered Ministry (now Develop Leaders and the Ordered Ministry). At the seminary he has helped shape vocational leaders to serve in ministry, equipping more than 400 Christian leaders to more effectively serve in vocational ministry.

Under his leadership, the seminary partnered with Covenant regional conferences to create affordable programs of cohort distance learning. And the School of Restorative Arts at Stateville Correctional Center and at Logan Correctional Center for women now offers a master’s degree in Christian ministry to free and incarcerated students who study together. Currently, in partnership with Michael Carr, provost, Kersten is working to reimagine and redesign undergraduate Christian studies so that NPU students will benefit from seminary faculty, programmatic resources, and missional ethos.

“The last decade has been full of challenge and opportunity, all leading to innovations and growth for the seminary,” Kersten says. “I have been privileged to be part of a great team of faculty and staff.”

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