Call to Prayer and Fasting for Ukraine – Sunday, March 20

Photo Credit: Jana Čavojská

The Evangelical Covenant Church has been a member of the International Federation of Free Evangelical Churches (IFFEC) since 1947. IFFEC is a network of 33 denominations born of revival movements in Europe and includes several partner denominations in South America and Asia. Federations in IFFEC include the Evangelical Free Church of Ukraine, the Evangelical Christian Church of Poland, and the Church of the Brethren in Slovakia.

The leadership of IFFEC, including John Wenrich, a member of the Executive Committee, and Curt Peterson, general secretary of IFFEC, are calling for a Day of Prayer and Fasting on Sunday, March 20, for Ukraine and surrounding countries receiving refugees. We invite churches and individuals across the Covenant to join in prayer for peace, protection, and relief for those who are suffering.

Prayer Requests from IFFEC churches in this region:

  1. For coworkers and volunteer workers in Poland – for safety, rest, energy, motivation, and resources needed to respond to this crisis.
  2. For host families – as they accept refugees into their homes.
  3. For churches and church leaders – for wisdom on decisions over all of the ways they can help refugees and those remaining in Ukraine.
  4. For spiritual revival among Polish people as they open their hearts to Ukrainians.
  5. For refugee response coordinators Cezary and Peter of Poland.
  6. For security and safety of aid transports from Germany to Ukraine and the border regions.
  7. The coordination team in Germany of five people (staff and volunteers of Allianz-Mission) who are working 24/7 to place refugees with German host families.
  8. This weekend Allianz-Mission / Free Church Germany are sending two minibusses into Ukraine that will be used by local Christian organizations to bring people out of different “hot cities.”
  9. For our partner federations in Slovakia (Church of the Brethren, Cirkev Bratská) and Poland (Evangelical Christian Church of Poland) who are strongly involved in refugee ministry.
  10. For networks of evangelical Christians across Russia who are praying for peace and the reconciling work of the Gospel in this perilous time.

From IFFEC President, Ansgar Hörsting: “In this world human power and weapons are deciding about the future. We see this with fear and compassion in Ukraine. God is calling us to spiritual weapons, where prayer is the most important, besides truth and righteousness. Our God has the future in his hand. With fasting, we are not influencing him, but make ourselves available, humble and people, who are expecting everything from God. I encourage the international community of IFFEC for praying and fasting for peace, hope, strength, and wisdom in the East-European conflict and all, who are involved.”

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