Executive Ministers Elected for Covenant Ministry Priorities

On Friday, June 24, two leaders were elected to executive minister positions for mission priorities by delegates at the 136th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Covenant Church in Kansas City, Missouri. Grace Shim was elected as executive minister of Serve Globally, and Herb Frost was elected as executive minister of Ordered Ministry and Develop Leaders. Both executive ministers were nominated by committees after several months of searches, interviews, and deliberation, and both will begin serving in their respective roles as of September 1, 2022.

Grace Shim was nominated by the Serve Globally Nominating Committee, her candidacy the culmination of a six-month process. Committee chair Cindy Wu expressed confidence in their selection, citing Shim’s “long history of global service through the Covenant, a deep commitment to the mission of God, and a mature self-awareness.” President John Wenrich praised Shim, calling her a “wise, compassionate, nurturing and unifying leader.”

Shim has more than two decades of experience in global service, including time as a licensed counselor and executive director of a counseling service in Thailand. She and her husband, Bob, have three adult children and reside in the Middle East.

Herb Frost was nominated by the Ordered Ministry and Develop Leaders Nominating Committee after a six-month process of prayerful deliberation. Committee chair Sharon Anderson was effusive in her admiration of Frost, recognizing his “theological depth, relational investments, and executive leadership skills” as vital to the role. President Wenrich agreed, calling Frost “wise, thoughtful, and experienced,” whose “heart for God, dedication to the mission, love of pastors, executive skill set, and ministry calling make [him] an outstanding leader.”

Frost has been a credentialed pastor in the Covenant for more than 22 years, serving as both lead pastor and church planter as well as participating in Committees of Ministerial Standing in the Midwest, East Coast and Northwest Conferences. Prior to his election, Frost served as the director of vocational and spiritual development for the Develop Leaders mission priority. He and his wife, Paula, have three children and six grandchildren. They live in Bayport, Minnesota, and are members of Brookdale Covenant Church in Brooklyn Center.

We give thanks for these two newly elected executive ministers.

Picture of Jelani Greenidge

Jelani Greenidge

Jelani Greenidge is the missional storyteller for the Evangelical Covenant Church and ministers in and around Portland, Oregon, as a worship musician, cultural consultant, and stand-up comic.

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