Michelle Sanchez, Executive Minister of Make and Deepen Disciples, Will Not Seek Renomination

In a letter to the Covenant Executive Board, Executive Minister of Make and Deepen Disciples, Rev. Michelle Sanchez, shared that she has prayerfully discerned not to pursue renomination. The Evangelical Covenant Church is grateful for all she has done to serve the Covenant since she began serving in this role in 2015. 

“I am grateful for Michelle’s passion for evangelism,” said Tammy Swanson-Draheim, president of the Evangelical Covenant Church. “We have been blessed by her creativity, diligence, and commitment to the work of making and deepening disciples. Michelle is a gifted speaker, writer, and developer of resources. We look forward to seeing how God will use her tremendous gifts as she steps into this next season in life and ministry.” 

In her letter, Rev. Sanchez wrote, “Every four years, each executive minister is invited into a discernment process about pursuing another four-year term. It is a thorough, generous, and God-honoring process—a true gift for our leaders. Through my own discernment process this year, two things became clear. First, God has done great things through Make and Deepen Disciples during these two terms; and second, my assignment to this particular role is complete. For these reasons, I have decided not to pursue renomination to serve as Executive Minister of Make and Deepen Disciples for a third term. Brothers and sisters, please know that I continue to love the Covenant church, and my family and I look forward to discovering what adventures God has in store for us next!” 

“It has been my joy to see the Lord use Michelle and the MDD team to make a tremendous impact for his kingdom!” said Angela Yee, Executive Director of Ministry Development for the Covenant. “I have so enjoyed getting to know her and am thankful for the way she is so passionate about bringing people to Jesus and growing their faith. We have been greatly blessed by her contributions, and I am deeply grateful.” 

Rev. Sanchez will complete her four-year term in August 2023.

Covenanters are being asked for their prayers as the committee commences discernment to carry out this assignment. Comments may be submitted to mddsearch@covchurch.org or mailed to the MDD Nominating Committee at 8303 W. Higgins Road, Chicago, Illinois 60631. 

View the Letter from Reverend Michelle Sanchez here >>

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