President’s Letter to Church Annual Meetings

Hello Covenant Family,

Four months into serving as president I am both grateful and humbled by the gracious words of welcome and affirmation in this new call to serve. Thank you! As you gather in your local churches for your annual meetings, I send each of you greetings and my gratitude for all the ministries of the Evangelical Covenant Church. It has been a particular joy to see how Covenant churches and affiliates are engaged with the many ways we see Jesus at work around the world. What a privilege to be co-laborers with Christ together! Thank you for all of your efforts, prayers, and support both on the front lines and in our larger shared mission.

There is much to celebrate, but we also have challenges that need our care, consideration, and prayers. Transitions are challenging, and we have experienced many transitions throughout 2022, including Covenant Offices staff. I know you feel this on the local level too. As I continue to lean into Jesus, my prayer is to listen well and seek wisdom for this new season of leadership. It is my hope that as God’s people, we can move into places of healing, generosity, and kindness with one another, and together move forward to do the missional work of being good news.

I am often asked, “How can I/we/our church be supportive?” My response is always, to please pray. Pray, pray, pray! It is the most powerful way we can connect with the heart of God. I genuinely believe prayer has the power to bridge us closer to God and closer to one another. As I reflect on Mark 4:35-41, I invite you to pray like you are one of the disciples being tossed about in the storm, asking Jesus to help. These prayers of desperation are also prayers of compassion. They show that we care about what happens to us, and that Jesus is the solution to all our challenges. Pray for me and the leadership of the Covenant as we work together to be good news in this season. Pray that we listen well to you and to one another—and especially to what Jesus is calling us to.

For God’s glory and neighbor’s good,

Printed copies of this letter, which is intended to be read during local congregational annual meetings, are being mailed to all Covenant churches this week.

You may download a copy of the letter here >>

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