Connie McCain, wife of retired Covenant pastor Mike McCain, passed away from cancer in New London, Minnesota, on December 22, 2022. She was 70.

Connie Ruth Wildman was born to parents William Joyce and Mildred Wildman on July 20, 1952, in Bertha, Minnesota. When she was three, Connie moved to Buffalo with her parents and two sisters. As a young girl, she loved to sew and babysit. She was active in her church youth group and played flute in the school band. She graduated with the Buffalo High School class of 1970.

Connie continued her education by enrolling in the Meeker County Hospital School of Practical Nursing, earning a degree as a licensed practical nurse, a skill she used throughout her life to minister to others.

In 1974, she took a nursing job in Fort Collins, Colorado. While there, she met Mike McCain, and they married in Springfield, Minnesota, on December 6, 1975. Together, they served various ministries across Colorado, Texas, and Minnesota, including Lake Union Covenant Church in South Haven, Salem Mission Covenant Church in Pennock, and Maywood Covenant Church in Foley.

Near and dear to Connie’s heart was the stay-at-home mom. She understood the ministry opportunity that existed to encourage young mothers and promote fellowship among them. It was this passion that led her to become one of the founders of the Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)

group at the New London Evangelical Covenant Church. Connie also was an active member and served a term as president of the Willmar Area Christian Women’s Club.

Connie is survived by her husband, Mike; children Erika Hixon (Buddy), Marci (Beau Golberg), Garrett (Amanda), and Lori; seven grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.

A funeral was held on December 30 at the Evangelical Covenant Church of New London, and is viewable here. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts can be given to Hope Pregnancy Center, MOPS of New London, Compassion International, or the Lake Beauty Bible Camp Scholarship Fund.

Peace be to her memory.

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