Minnehaha Students Spread Kindness with the Kindergarten Shine Line

Kindergarten students at Minnehaha Academy in Minneapolis, Minnesota, have created a phone line to spread joy and encouraging messages. It’s called the Kindergarten Shine Line.

By calling (612) 728-7799, community members can hear a variety of messages of encouragement, Bible verses, a prayer, birthday greetings, and songs recorded by the kindergartners.

The project is a part of a year-long class designed to give students the opportunity to apply their talents and knowledge to meet real needs for real people. This year the kindergartners are learning how acts of kindness can impact their community.

Before recording their messages, the students learned from audio experts and worked on their scripts. Kindergarten teacher Eden Flaa sat down with each child and asked them how they wanted to bless people.

“Hearing what they picked was delightful,” says Flaa. “Some students felt strongly about praying from their heart, others had a Bible verse they had memorized, and others wanted to spread joy through their favorite joke. The day each student recorded their message they were bubbling with joy. As they walked to the recording booth, they were skipping and saying, ‘I can’t believe it!’ They were so confident about the message of joy, hope, and love they were going to spread to the community. You could see how proud they were that they were part of something big.”

Flaa begins class each day by listening to a message that has been left on the Shine Line. She says, “After listening to our first message one student exclaimed, ‘I think I’m about to cry!’ Then they giggled delightedly and gave each other hugs.” 

Anyone can call the Shine Line at (612) 728-7799. Messages rotate each week until the end of the school year.

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Staff Author

The Communications staff at The Evangelical Covenant Church works to bring you the most complete information on the stories that matter to the Covenant.

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