Updates on Children’s Ministry from Make and Deepen Disciples

In this season of ongoing transition, Make and Deepen Disciples has appointed an interim children’s ministry leadership team whose primary task is to define and implement several Covenant children’s ministry objectives in partnership with Make and Deepen Disciples.

The team, which will be led by Sara Sosa, recently had its first planning retreat and will be sharing updates on their work soon.

The full team includes:

  • Sara Sosa, director of children and family ministry, Northwest Conference
  • Diane Borden, children’s pastor, Council Tree Covenant Church, Midwest Conference
  • Steve Burger, children, youth, and family ministry liaison, Central Conference
  • Nancy de Jong, associate pastor, Pine Lake Covenant Church, Pacific Northwest Conference
  • Paula Frost, Central Conference
  • Phyllis Myung, associate pastor of next generation ministries, Great Road Church, East Coast Conference

In addition, LunchBox is a new, free Covenant resource network for all who are engaged in children and family ministry. Signing up for LunchBox grants access to relational connections in your area and beyond, learning cohorts, online classes, personal coaching, a robust resource toolbox, and much more. Learn more >>

“Thank you so much for your investment in our children,” says Michelle Sanchez, executive minister of Make and Deepen Disciples. “If you have ideas or thoughts for the Interim Children’s Ministry Team, please feel free to contact Sara Sosa. We appreciate partnering with you now and into the future!”

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