Photo by Andrew Larsen, an ordained Covenant minister working in peacemaking with Christians and Muslims in the US and the Middle East. Read his Companion article on what he learned from his recent trip to Iraq here.
Violence and bloodshed have exploded once again after a brutal uptick in sectarian violence in the Middle East. On Saturday, October 7, a coordinated explosive rocket attack by the Palestinian militant group Hamas in Gaza killed hundreds of Israelis; the attack has been referred to as “the Israeli 9/11.” This attack led to a formal declaration of war by Israel, which strengthened its blockade of Gaza and launched a counteroffensive military strike of its own, including combat deployment and aerial bombings. As of Monday, the death toll on both sides had risen to at least 1,500 lives.
Against this backdrop of escalating violence and depravity, many within the Evangelical Covenant Church are joining a global chorus of Christ-followers calling for peace in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
“As we cry out for justice and pray for peace, we condemn these acts of violence,” Tammy Swanson-Draheim, president of the Covenant, said. “The tensions in the Middle East are long-standing and complex. We pray earnestly for a peaceful movement forward and solutions that honor all affected in this region.”
Grace Shim, executive minister of Serve Globally, added, “At this time, our partners in the Middle East are asking us to pray in the midst of tremendous fear, grief, and chaos. It’s heartbreaking to see the suffering and violence impacting countless lives. As the church, may we weep with those who weep and join together in prayer for God’s peace to come, presence to comfort, and mercy and justice to reign.”

For many Covenanters and our partners, this issue is more than abstraction; the violence has become a part of their lived reality. Bethlehem Bible College is an evangelical institution that offers training in peacemaking and justice in the Palestinian context. A couple who are enrolled in the Global Immersion program through Serve Globally arrived just days earlier to begin their work with Bethlehem Bible College, only to be awakened by the sound of exploding rockets in the distance. “We’re safe in terms of staff and the school,” wrote college president Jack Sara in a Whatsapp message, “but the situation in the country is very difficult, going from bad to worse. Your prayers are much needed.”
When Covenant World Relief and Development reached out to another partner, Musalaha, who provides peace and reconciliation retreats for Christians, Jews, and Muslims, they responded, “Thank you for your caring words and solidarity. We appreciate our partnership and thank you for reaching out.”
One global personnel leader in the Middle East North Africa region (MENA) said, “Many of us who have lived or work in the MENA regions have friends and partners in Palestine and Israel. We grieve with them at this outbreak of violence and stand with them in our calls for peace that is the fruit of justice. We pray for wisdom in our responses and for clear pathways to support those who are suffering.”
Covenanters are urged to pray for everyone involved in this intractable conflict: for the military and political leaders making high level decisions, for activists, soldiers, medics, and journalists doing humanitarian work in conflict zones, for individuals and families grieving the catastrophic loss of life, and for people of faith to strengthen their resolve in working to transcend the divisions of hatred and bitterness that feed ongoing trends of violence and hostility.
“Whether it’s regarding war between Israel and Palestine, Russia and Ukraine, or any other global setting of escalated conflict and widespread violence, the Evangelical Covenant Church stands resolute in a posture of prayer for shalom, justice, and peace,” Swanson-Draheim said.