Five Minutes with Ruth Haley Barton

Ruth Haley Barton is a seasoned spiritual director, speaker, and preacher, and the founder of the Transforming Center. She holds a doctor of divinity from Northern Seminary and has written numerous books, including Life Together in Christ, Sacred Rhythms, and Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership.


Wheaton, Illinois

What are you reading?  

I am always reading at least five books at once so here are three:  Joy Unspeakable, by Barbara Holmes; Fifty Poems to Open your World, by Padraig O’Tuama; The Creative Act: A Way of Being, by Rick Rubin

What do you hope pastors and ministry leaders who attend Midwinter will take away from your talk?  

That establishing sane rhythms of work and rest through Sabbath-keeping is more than a lifestyle suggestion; it is a gift from God that is essential to our spiritual transformation and our longevity/sustainability in ministry. 

What does the Midwinter theme, “Immeasurably More,” mean to you in your life and ministry context?

That there is more God wants to give us if we could figure out how to receive it. 

What would Midwinter attendees be surprised to learn about you?  

I love to hang my sheets on the line. I start hanging my sheets the minute the weather gets warm enough in the spring all the way through late fall. 

What did you want to be when you grew up?  

A writer.  It was the only thing I ever wanted to be.

What was your first job?

Working as a hostess in a Rustler Steakhouse.

What was the last song you sang along to?  

“Happy,” by Pharrell Williams (and maybe danced a little, too 😊) 

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