Noris Maldonado, widow of former CHET seminary president Rev. Dr. Jorge E. Maldonado, passed away on October 21, 2023. She was 81.

Noris C. Araque was born in 1942 in Venezuela, where she met Jesus as a young girl. As a teenager, she longed to become a missionary doctor. Eventually she met Jorge Maldonado in Costa Rica while he was pursuing seminary studies. They were married in 1966 and moved to Ecuador, where their union produced three children: Nancy, Natalie, and Juan Andrés. During their 56 years of marriage, they lived in Ecuador, Switzerland, Spain, and the United States. Noris studied anthropology in Spanish, adult learning and education in French, and marriage and family therapy in English. She loved learning.

Noris lived with exuberance and vitality. Never “just” the wife of a prominent man, Noris modeled a uniquely identifiable faith in Jesus that was very much her own. She blended an appreciation for beauty, intellectual curiosity, love for family and community, and a drive toward growth and harmonious self-improvement. Noris had a special way of connecting with people, seeing them through the eyes of Christ. Though her later years were marked by Alzheimer’s, her generous spirit and loving heart continued to shine, despite her illness. She leaves behind a beautiful fragrance.

Noris was preceded in death by her husband, Jorge, and is survived by her children, Nancy, Natalie, and Juan Andrés. A memorial service was held on November 3 in Whittier, California. Notes of remembrance may be left here.

Peace to her memory.

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