Covenant Office to Be Chicago-Based Once Again

During a Covenant Offices staff meeting earlier this month, President Tammy Swanson-Draheim shared the decision to have employees return to the Chicago office, initially in a modified hybrid format with a long-term plan of being Chicago-based. This plan will be implemented gradually.

Due to COVID, the Covenant Offices workforce moved to a remote working arrangement in March 2020. Before the pandemic, the primary working arrangement was onsite and in the office five days per week. Considering the pandemic’s official end and the Covenant’s needs, employees will return to the office in a hybrid arrangement.

Among the rationale for return to office:

  • Connection. The Covenant is a relational movement; it is important in the Covenant to know others and to be known, which is more difficult to do in a remote arrangement. Working together in one location better enables employees to connect and build relationships cross-functionally across mission area teams.

  • Cohesion. Cohesion and culture are important parts of the Covenant. Although in some cases deepening individual teams has proven to be effective remotely, it is easier to lose cohesion across teams when not in person.

  • Collaboration. Collaboration and creativity are often better in person. Team or project work, sensitive or critical decision-making, and developing complex solutions with multiple people can be easier when talking face-to-face.

  • Cost. Long-term this model will be more cost-effective.

Constituents across the Covenant have communicated their support of, and appreciation for, Covenant Offices staff. Approximately 40% of current employees work remotely from other states. A multi-phased transition plan was adopted with the understanding that providing a transition period could contribute to retention and morale benefits.

The long-term goal is to be a hybrid Chicago-based office with employees living in the Chicagoland area.

A year-long transition plan, starting with a minimum of two days in the office and moving to a minimum of three days, will take place over the next 12 months to create time for adjustment. Employees residing in other states will not need to relocate to Chicago, but they will attend quarterly in-person meetings in Chicago. As out-of-state employees transition out of their roles, the roles will be re-evaluated to be Chicago-based positions.

President Swanson-Draheim says, “The hybrid arrangement provides flexibility while addressing the challenges of a remote environment through greater connection across the organization, and more opportunities for cross-functional collaboration. This arrangement will build on the Covenant ethos of being on mission together in relationship with each other. We value our employees and want to retain as many as possible, and although this decision may be difficult for some, our leadership is committed to walking alongside the employees through this season of transition. The primary purpose of Covenant Offices is to serve the entire denomination, and we do that better together.”

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