Adam Edgerly to Step Down from CWRD

Adam Edgerly has resigned from his role as the director of Covenant World Relief and Development (CWRD), effective July 1, 2024. 

During his tenure, Adam introduced an effective grant management system, assembled a quality team, represented CWRD’s ministry in numerous spheres, and served as an encouragement to partners in his visits to various regions. His strategic and visionary gifts have made a major impact on the capabilities of CWRD.

Adam states, “It has been my privilege to serve with the Serve Globally team for the past three and a half years. I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with such a dedicated and talented team. The collaboration with Serve Globally and the entire Covenant staff has been a source of insight and inspiration for me. I thank God for the challenges we’ve faced together, for the camaraderie, and the laughter we have shared.”

Grace Shim, executive minister of Serve Globally, says, “In our work together, Adam has been a source of wise counsel, strategic insight, and humble encouragement to me and many others. We are thankful for Adam’s willingness to lead and serve as director and for the ways God blessed the Covenant, Serve Globally, CWRD, and global partners through him.”

Covenant World Relief and Development is vital to the mission of the Covenant, to Serve Globally’s ministry, and to partners around the world. Adam and Grace will work closely with the entire team to ensure a smooth transition.

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