Magallanes-Tsang to Join North Park Theological Seminary Faculty

North Park Theological Seminary is delighted to announce that this August we will welcome to our faculty Dr. Sophia Magallanes-Tsang (PhD, University of Edinburgh) as assistant professor of Old Testament.

Dr. Magallanes-Tsang brings to NPTS fifteen years’ of experience teaching Old and New Testaments in both university and seminary settings, including teaching Spanish-and English-language courses at Fuller Theological Seminary. Her research focuses on Hebrew Wisdom Literature and Old Testament interpretation, with publications including a commentary on the Book of Job and forthcoming works on Reading the Word Interculturally and Biblical Interpretation as Scriptural Accompaniment. Dr. Magallanes-Tsang has a passion for reading the Bible communally within diverse communities and making biblical studies an accessible skill for everyone in the pew. She is married to Sam Tsang, her loving husband of four years.

Dr. Max Lee, Paul W. Brandel Chair of Biblical Studies, notes, “I am elated that Dr. Sophia Magallanes-Tsang will be joining us at the seminary! With 15 years of teaching experience, she is already an able teacher—exegetically insightful, theologically reflective, and pastorally engaged. She will, no doubt, equip and form a rising generation of ministers for the church. She is also an able scholar with significant book publications forthcoming. We are blessed to have her with us.” Dr. Dennis R. Edwards, Dean of the Seminary, comments, “Dr. Sophia Magallanes-Tsang is a scholar whose academic skills and pastoral sensitivity will motivate our fine students and whose engaging personality will add to the collaborative spirit of our excellent faculty.”

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Magallanes-Tsang, who will be present at the 2024 Annual Meeting for delegate confirmation—and for praying for her and Sam as they transition from California to Chicago.

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