Safe Sanctuaries

The Evangelical Covenant Church addresses intimate partner violence, including domestic violence and sexual assault, through the Safe Sanctuaries initiative. This program, rooted in our foundational commitment to advocating for victims, acknowledges the reality of brokenness and sin in the world. We believe in the power of community to heal through Jesus Christ. The Safe Sanctuaries initiative informs, educates, and raises awareness in our congregations and communities, fostering a supportive environment for survivors.

Safe Sanctuaries Training

Break the silence. Stand against the injustice of abuse.

Research reveals that a significant portion of individuals experience violence in intimate partner relationships, with statistics indicating that 25% of women and 10% of men endure such violence. This leads to profound emotional, physical, and spiritual consequences. Therefore, many among your church’s congregants and broader community may have been impacted.

Our comprehensive 8-hour training is designed to empower pastors and leaders with the necessary tools to effectively minister to those who have suffered trauma due to the injustice of abuse. Throughout the training, we will develop a theology of abuse, explore the profound effects of trauma on victims and survivors, and examine strategies for collaborating with community advocates to foster holistic healing.

Participants will also learn sensitive and empathetic ways to respond to survivors who share their stories of abuse while acquiring best practices for offering both spiritual and practical support. We invite you to join us as we equip your church with the skills and wisdom needed to embody God’s shalom through healing and the creation of a safe space.

This in-person training facilitates an immersive and interactive learning experience with ministerial colleagues. To express your interest in participating, please complete the interest form below.

Upcoming Trainings

Covenant Offices
8303 W Higgins Road, Chicago, IL
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Register Here >>

Midwinter 2025
1550 Court Place, Denver, CO
Monday, January 20, 2025
Register Here >>

Advocacy for Victims of Abuse

Online Training

This self-paced, 11-session course will educate clergy, lay leaders, and anti-abuse advocates on issues of intimate partner violence, teen dating violence, and childhood sexual assault. The purpose of this tutorial is to provide leaders with needed information on issues of domestic violence (also referred to as family violence). Given the prevalence of abuse, all faith leaders need this basic knowledge. This format permits you to gain this information at your convenience and at no cost to you.


Sexual Violence Uncovered in the Bible

This 4-session bible study will help your small group or church community start or continue conversations about sexual abuse and its prevalence and reverberating effects in our society and churches. In an effort to engage various learning styles, we provide opportunities for you to read, listen, watch, and discuss in this study.

Download >>

Domestic Violence Awareness Month Webinar 2022

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and we partnered with Sojourners to have a rich conversation around faith and advocacy for victims and survivors of abuse.

Watch Now >>

Child Abuse & Neglect

Use these brochures in your church and community to educate and bring awareness from a faith perspective on the topic of child abuse.  These brochures also provide resources for further information and help. The digital flyer can be emailed or posted online.

Digital Flyer >> En Español >>

Brochure >> En Español >>

Order Printed Copies >>

Intimate Partner Violence

Use these brochures in your church and community to educate and bring awareness from a faith perspective on the topic of intimate partner violence.  These brochures also provide resources for further information and help. The digital flyer can be emailed or posted online.

Digital Flyer >>  En Español >>

Brochure >>  En Español >>

Order Printed Copies >>

Evangelical Covenant Church Resolution against Domestic Violence

This resolution was adopted by the delegates to the 127th Covenant Annual Meeting to move beyond denial and disbelief and break the silence on domestic violence by acknowledging through teaching, preaching, and leadership the existence of domestic violence that occurs within our society and churches, and by encouraging victims and survivors to seek help and healing

Download Here >>

Sexual Harassment: Response and Prevention

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to community where women and men work together in a “blessed alliance,” seeking to bring the Gospel to a broken and struggling world. When people in our communities find the courage and the space to speak up about harassment, trauma, and abuse, our churches can be just the safe sanctuary needed to have helpful, honest conversation that works to raise awareness, incite healing, and lament brokenness. Toward that end, the following resource is offered as a starting point for congregations and their leaders.

Lina Sánchez-Herrera

Chicago West Suburbs, Illinois

ECC Conference: Central
Gender: Female


Receiving New Directees: Yes
Directing Clergy: Yes
Client Genders: Both men and women
Skype or Facetime: Yes
Languages: English, Spanish
Retreat/Workshop Leader: Yes


C. John Weborg Center for Spiritual Direction, North Park Theological Seminary


Pastors/Church Leadership, Missionaries, University Students, Discernment Process, Transitions, Multi-Ethnic Issues, Second Half of Life, Prayer, Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius

Prior to moving to the USA, I was a professor at the National University of Colombia and served with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students in Colombia for 16 years. Starting in 2001, I served as InterVarsity National Staff in the USA. I have a master’s degree in Christian Ministries, and I serve in Spiritual Direction to those who want to be fully present and available to God and receive His grace over them. My joy is to see professors and college students coming to know Jesus and being transformed into people that bring the good news of righteousness and justice to others.

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