Stories & News


Five Minutes with Abby Conger

Open Door Immigration Services is a new nonprofit ministry of Highrock Northshore, a Covenant congregation in Salem, Massachusetts. With a grant from Love Mercy Do Justice, the 501(c)3 held its grand opening in September.

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Grace in a time of bloodshed

Mathew Jock Moses was born in 1976 in Sudan, a country that has been at war with itself throughout his lifetime. Members of his extended family have been among the victims of all-too-common atrocities committed by every people group. […]

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Breaking the Silence

After the 2016 election, many pastors resigned themselves to never talking about race from the pulpit, lest they disturb the fault lines in their congregations. […]

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Unsung Saints

Walk into a Covenant church and the truth of Paul’s letter to the Romans becomes evident. The body has many parts but each individual member has different gifts that join together to comprise the church as a whole. […]

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Finding Ourselves

Recently I celebrated my twentieth anniversary of living in the United States, a date I anticipated with significant feelings. […]

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