Stories & News


Results Delayed in DR Congo Presidential Election

Release of results in the Democratic Republic of Congo presidential elections has been delayed, raising concerns about the legitimacy of the results. The ruling party of current President Joseph Kabila supports the candidate Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary. Opposition candidate Martin Fayulu has accused authorities of thwarting his bid.

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January/February CovSparks Available

The COV Sparks downloadable discussion guide is now available for the January/February issue of The Covenant Companion. Based on articles from the current issue of the magazine, COV Sparks provides stimulating questions for Sunday-school classes, small-group discussions, and personal reflection.

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Church Spotlight: A Vision for Justice

As Greater Faith grew, so did their call to serve their community in Clayton County. Noel says, “I was preaching mercy, love, and forgiveness but it just wasn’t enough. I was preaching to people who had their electricity turned off, or they had felonies on their records and couldn’t get jobs. I realized the justice piece was critical.”

The congregation began to partner with Healing Communities of Georgia, a network of nonprofits, state agencies, and faith-based organizations working to bring restoration to returning citizens, their families, and victims of crime.

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