We provide resources for the church, home, and community to reach, equip, and empower children as disciples of Jesus Christ.
How We Serve Children
The Evangelical Covenant Church supports a formational model of children’s ministry that focuses on a growing receptivity to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit through God’s word, relationships, outward action, and worship.
All In
All In is a workshop that helps leaders and parents reimagine children’s place of priority in God’s Kingdom. It uses a four-dimensional framework to grow disciples, equip parents, empower children, and nurture awareness.
Bless for Kids
BLESS for Kids is a resource that walks children through five missional practices to reach and bless others with the love of Christ: Begin with prayer, Listen with care, Eat together, Serve with love, and Share the story.
Grow Kids
Grow Kids equips children to grow as disciples of Christ through spiritual formation practices such as worship, communion, prayer, and Bible reading. Available in English and Spanish.
Justice Journey for Kids
Justice Journey for Kids is a 24-session curriculum in English and Spanish created to help kids celebrate the diversity of God’s kingdom and make things right in our broken world.
Kids Helping Kids
Through Kids helping Kids, children have the opportunity to both experience the stories of children around the world and to love their global neighbors in practical ways.
Adventures with God
Adventures with God is a three-year curriculum that explores the adventure of a relationship with God through God’s word. It is fully scoped and sequenced and is available in both English and Spanish.
Intergenerational Ministry
Our intergenerational ministry guide offers suggestions for facilitating a comprehensive approach to intergenerational discipleship.

Contact Children Ministry
How can we help you empower children as disciples of Jesus Christ?