Embrace Webinar #24 – Tim Tennent
For the Body
February 10, 2022

For the Body: Recovering a Theology of Gender, Sexuality, and the Human Body
By Timothy Tennent
For the Body is an in-depth look at what it means to be created in the image of God and how our bodies serve as icons that illuminate God’s purposes instead of ours.

Foundations of the Christian Faith
By Timothy Tennent
For ages the church has provided a tool set of basic doctrines, ethics, and ordinances through which a child or convert could be initiated into ever increasing Christlikeness. This process is called “catechesis” (to sound down, or echo) and it has traditionally been a teaching exchange between a seasoned Christian and a new believer. Working its way through doctrinal affirmations like the Apostles’ Creed, the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, and other foundational content on the means of grace, this collection of writings by Timothy Tennent forms core material that may be used by leaders and laypeople alike.

After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory
By Alasdair MacIntyre
MacIntyre provides a bleak view of the state of modern moral discourse, regarding it as failing to be rational, and failing to admit to being irrational. He claims that older forms of moral discourse were in better shape, particularly singling out Aristotle’s moral philosophy as an exemplar. After Virtue is among the most important texts in the recent revival of virtue ethics.

Our Bodies Tell God’s Story: Discovering the Divine Plan for Love, Sex, and Gender
By Christopher West
In our post-sexual-revolution world, we need to remember that our bodies tell a divine story and proclaim the gospel itself. As male and female and in the call to become “one flesh,” our bodies reveal a “great mystery” that mirrors Christ’s love for the church (Eph. 5:31-32). This book provides a redemptive rather than repressive approach to sexual purity, explores the true meaning of sex and marriage, and offers a compelling vision of what it means to be created male and female.

By Pope John Paul II
The Theology of the Body contains talks given by John Paul II in which he discusses the bodily dimension of human personhood, sexuality, and marriage in the light of biblical revelation.

Timothy C. Tennent (PhD, University of Edinburgh, Scotland) is President and Professor of World Christianity at Asbury Theological Seminary. He is the author of Building Christianity on Indian Foundations and Christianity at the Religious Roundtable. Dr. Tennent and wife, Julie, reside in Wilmore, Kentucky, with their two children, Jonathan and Bethany.

Michelle Sanchez’s dream is to mobilize a multiethnic movement of disciples who make disciples. She earned an M.Div. and Th.M. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and completed spiritual direction training at Boston College. Michelle studied international business at NYU and worked previously as an investment banker with Goldman Sachs. She is a regular columnist with Outreach Magazine and is currently working on her first book Antiracist Discipleship (Waterbrook Multnomah, 2022).