Merge Launches Virtual Experiences

Merge has launched a new initiative where Covenant congregations can participate in a relational global community online.

Through Merge Connect, churches can engage in a series of three different hour-long virtual events to develop intercultural relationships and understanding while also gaining a fresh vision of how God is at work in the global church.

Churches may choose from one of three themes to focus on throughout all three sessions: building relationships, learning from the global church, or celebrating diversity. Each congregation may identify when they want to schedule the events, which region of the world they would like to connect with, and who will participate (i.e., Bible study, youth group, group of families, or the entire church).

Local Merge staff from the partner country will facilitate the meetings, along with an interpreter if necessary.

Sessions may include Bible studies, a combined worship service with leaders from each country, cooking classes, arts and crafts, sharing ideas and testimonies, etc.

“Merge Connect will present an incredible opportunity for churches in North America to interact with people in other countries,” says Dale Lusk, international director of Merge. “Often believers in North America focus on teaching the global church, but the reality is the global church has as much, if not more, to teach the North American church.”

The cost for the three-session experience is $650, which helps defray costs for the Merge staff, including the facilitator, cultural translator, language interpreter, and tech specialist.

Merge organizes trips for people of all ages. Pre-planned trips to partners in Asia, Europe, and Latin America are scheduled after July 1, 2021. For more information or to make reservations for custom trips, visit or contact Lusk at or (956) 458-9568.

Picture of Stan Friedman

Stan Friedman

Stan Friedman is an ordained minister in the Covenant Church. He formerly served on the Marketing and Communications team and is now in a chaplain residency in Naples, Florida.

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