Ordered Ministry and Develop Leaders Nominating Committee Update

October 27, 2021

Dear members of the Evangelical Covenant Church, 

The Ordered Ministry and Develop Leaders Nominating Committee (OM-DLNC) met recently to continue our work in the nominating process. In light of Executive Minister Lance Davis’s decision not to seek a second term, our prayerful discernment work included reviewing input from Pastor Lance and other key constituents.   

We continue to seek input into this vital leadership position from the church and invite responses to the following questions. Comments will be received through November 7.   

  1. What attributes and qualities should the Executive Minister of the Ordered Ministry and Develop Leaders possess? 
  2. What are the main areas/issues on the horizon that the Executive Minister of the Ordered Ministry and Develop Leaders will need to address in the next term? 
  3. Other comments? 

Please submit your comments via this link >>

A subsequent communication from our team will include an updated position description and a request for recommendations of potential nominees. 

We ask for your prayers as we commit ourselves to this discernment work entrusted to us.  

Sharon Anderson
Chair, OM-DL Nominating Committee 

Read more about Covenant Leadership Nomination Processes HERE >>

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