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The Covenant Companion, 2005

Below are featured articles from The Covenant Companion, 2005

The Lion, the Witch, and the War, by Daniel de Roulet – Download now
Not a Tame Writer, by Bob Smietana – Download now

Acts of Faith, by Dennis Wadley – Download now

On the Wall or in Our Lives?, by D. Brent Laytham – Download now
Spiritual Masters | A Politically Incorrect Reformer, by R. Boaz Johnson – Download now

A Brother’s Gift of Life, by Bob Smietana – Download now
Spiritual Masters | A Holy Journey, by Scot McKnight – Download now

Confirming Aaron, by Bob Smietana – Download now
Suffer the Children, by D. Brent Laytham – Download now

The Rubble of My Possessions, by Roger Turner – Download now
The Voodoo We All Do, by Sandra Unger – Download now

Getting Out of Jail – Free, by Lisa Dornback – Download now
Muddling Around with Jesus, by Bob Smietana – Download now
The Waters Parted Before Us, by Glen V. Wiberg – Download now

God Is Watching Over Your Crew, by Steve Cushing – Download now
Real Faith, by Vicki Talley McCollum – Download now
A Small Step Towards Reconciliation, by Jocelyn Dong – Download now

God’s Politics, by Bob Smietana – Download now

God’s Handiwork, by Brian Peterson – Download now
To Russia with Laughs, by Stan Friedman – Download now

2,352 Hours of Prayer, by Bob Smietana – Download now
Sitting on Faith, by Tom Collins – Download now

Laura’s Miracle, by Rick Lund – Download now
A Real Live Preacher, by Bob Smietana – Download now
Safe Haven, by Rick Lund – Download now

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