Called and Gifted
This pamphlet reaffirms the biblical basis for the full participation of women in the ministries of the church.
This pamphlet reaffirms the biblical basis for the full participation of women in the ministries of the church.
Human Sexuality & the Marriage Ethic: Towards a Biblical & Theological Discernment of God in Human Sexuality
This document presents the constitution and bylaws of the Evangelical Covenant Church
The Constitution and Bylaws of the Covenant Ministerium were most recently revised at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Covenant Ministerium.
This pamphlet gives a detailed overview of four core principles of the denomination.
This booklet contains brief highlights of Covenant heritage, life, and mission, as well as a general overview of Covenant departments, commissions, committees, mission fields, and regional conferences.
The Covenant Book of Worship is a fresh, innovative resource designed to help Covenant pastors and congregations dig deep into the worship traditions of the church, while embracing some of the best in new worship planning from around the world.
Traditional, contemporary, and heritage hymns; Psalms with musical responses; praise and Scripture songs; children’s music; ethnic songs; gospel favorites, and service music.
This collection of articles from The Covenant Quarterly is a continuation of the dialogue on baptism in the Covenant.