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Serve Globally

Serve Globally Prayer Calendar

The Serve Globally Prayer Calendar can be used as a convenient daily prayer guide to pray for God’s work around the world and specifically for Covenant missionaries, ministry partners, and the countries in which they serve.

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Support our partner’s efforts in peacemaking as they create safe and interactive spaces for children impacted by conflict.

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Covenant Kids Newsletter

Covenant Kids scholarship program works with ministry partnerships in Congo, Sudan, India and Colombia. Our quarterly newsletter gives updates on these ministries, pictures and stories about changed lives in North America and overseas.

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Best Ways to Support Disaster Response

When a disaster strikes many people want to help. But, what is the best way to help? Sometimes our good intentions to help those in other countries can do more harm than good. The list below developed by Covenant World Relief & Development will make you better able to make thoughtful decisions about how to best support disaster relief.

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Mission Committee Visioning Workbook

It Is important to have a sense of direction as the local church gets connected to God’s work around the world. We hope this resource guide will assist your mission committee to assess where you are and where you hope to go in global ministries.

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Mission Team Resource Manual

This updated manual, developed by Covenant World Mission, is for short-term mission teams. It will provide users with training help that will guide their team in not just “going on a trip,” but to be prepared to grow spiritually, to do ministry, and to serve in the area where they are going.

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