A Ministry of Make and Deepen Disciples

Embrace Webinar #28 – Mark Yarhouse

Gender Identity & Faith
Gender Identity and Faith: Clinical Postures, Tools and Case Studies for Client-Centered Care

By Mark Yarhouse and Julia Sadusky 

This book carves out clinical space for mental health professionals to help people who wish to take their gender identity, religious identity, and the relationship between the two seriously.

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Emerging Gender Identities: Understanding the Diverse Experiences of Today’s Youth

By Mark Yarhouse and Julia Sadusky

This book offers a measured Christian response to the diverse gender identities that are being embraced by an increasing number of adolescents.

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Embrace Webinar #20

With Dr. Julia Sadusky

In this webinar, Dr. Sadusky combines her youth worker and clinical psychologist experience to provide greater understanding of emerging gender identities and to offer wise responses to youth workers’ and parents’ questions.

Embodied: Transgender Identities, the Church and What the Bible Has to Say

By Preston Sprinkle 

Compassionate, biblical, and thought-provoking, Embodied is an accessible guide for Christians who want help navigating issues related to the transgender conversation. 

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Embrace Webinar #21

With Dr. Preston Sprinkle

Dr. Sprinkle frames why this conversation is so important, provides hospitable language and defines terms, and answers questions related to this key question from a Christian perspective: “If someone experiences incongruence between their biological sex and their internal sense of self, which one determines who they are–and why?”

Understanding Gender Dysphoria: Navigating Transgender Issues in a Changing Culture

By Mark Yarhouse  

This book offers a Christian perspective on transgender issues that eschews simplistic answers and appreciates the psychological and theological complexity. In the midst of a tense political climate, Yarhouse calls Christians to come alongside those on the margins and stand with them as they resolve their questions and concerns about gender identity.  

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Male and Female God Created Them: The Challenge of Intersexuality

By Heather Looy

Found in the Journal of Psychology and Christianity, Dr. Looy provides insight into the “genderfulness of God,” and speculates on why God made two genders. 

Mark Yarhouse (Presenter)

Mark A. Yarhouse (PsyD, Wheaton College) is professor of psychology at Wheaton College, where he directs the Sexual and Gender Identity (SGI) Institute and serves as a core faculty member in the doctoral program in clinical psychology. Yarhouse has published more than eighty peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters and is author or coauthor of several books, including Understanding Gender Dysphoria; Modern Psychopathologies; Understanding Sexual Identity, Sexuality and Sex Therapy; and Family Therapies. He serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Psychology and Theology and as an ad hoc reviewer with Journal of Homosexuality

Claire Nicholson McClun (Co-Facilitator)

Claire has a passion for equipping the church to be disciples who make disciples. She and her husband Adam earned M.Div. at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and their joint call is to be a bridge between the community and the Church. She has pastored in the Kansas City area for a decade and is a disciple-maker to their two young children, Theo and Grace.


Michelle is the author of Color-Courageous Discipleship, Color-Courageous Discipleship Student Edition,, and the picture book, God’s Beloved Community. She has previously served in leadership for the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, launched ministries to international students with a multiethnic Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) team, and worked as an investment banker for Goldman, Sachs & Co. 

We Want to Hear From You

As we develop Embrace, we hope to receive feedback from diverse voices, especially with regard to existing resources or experiences which you have found to be helpful and effective. Feel free to connect with us anytime at embrace@covchurch.org.

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