A Ministry of Make and Deepen Disciples

Embrace Webinar #3 – Dennis Edwards

Just Sexuality: Exploring The Intersections of Justice and Human Sexuality

On May 17th, we spoke with Dennis Edwards, lead pastor of Sanctuary Covenant Church, a justice-minded ECC congregation in the Minneapolis area.

Forgive Us: Confessions of a Compromised Faith
by: Soong-Chan Rah, Mae Elise Cannon, Lisa Sharon Harper, and Troy Jackson

Evangelical Christianity in America has a reputation for political self-interest and hurtful attitudes toward homosexuals, women, minorities, followers of different religions, and others outside its fold. Though sometimes unfair, sadly, this reputation is too often deserved. In Forgive Us, four evangelical leaders confess the church’s public failings and call their fellow believers to reengage the surrounding culture in a new and better way.

Get your copy today


Lead Them Home: Justice Initiatives

There is no greater need today than for the evangelical church to stand up and be counted in the effort to eradicate anti-gay bullying, reduce gay teen suicide, and combat gay teen homelessness. Lead Them Home offers three ways to express justice in these critical areas.


Embrace Webinar Slides – Dennis Edwards

This presentation details the Just Sexuallity Next Steps

Download the Presentation >



Dennis ministered in New York, Washington DC, and Minneapolis where he currently serves as lead pastor of Sanctuary Covenant Church. He believes that people can be changed for the better through encountering God and engaging God’s word. Consequently, he is passionate about studying and teaching Scripture. He earned a PhD in Biblical Studies and has taught at various seminaries over the years.



Michelle Sanchez is Executive Minister of Make and Deepen Disciples for the ECC. Her dream is to foster a multiethnic movement of disciples who make disciples across all ages. Prior to this role, Michelle served as Pastor of Christian Formation and Mission at Highrock Covenant Church in the Boston area, ministered to international students in New York City with Cru, and worked as an investment banker for Goldman, Sachs & Co. Michelle earned an M.Div. and Th.M. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, an international business degree from New York University (NYU), and certification in spiritual direction from Boston College.

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