
We join the global Church through global partnerships and sending global personnel to engage in God’s mission across cultures and around the world.

How We Engage in God’s Mission 

The Evangelical Covenant Church is committed to the whole mission of God—extending the whole gospel to the whole world. Through sending of personnel, training people through theological education, equipping local congregations, and cultivating global partnerships we serve globally in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and Middle East North Africa. 

Global Personnel

We support Global Personnel in more than 63 countries to serve alongside local partners to form and equip communities of Christ-followers through culturally relevant evangelism and transformational ministries that seek to address the spiritual, social, emotional, mental, physical, and justice needs of the community demonstrating the whole Gospel.

Meet our Global Personnel >>

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Global Engagements

We provide short-term trips for churches, global internships and immersions for individuals, and re-vision trips for pastors to strengthen our partnership with God’s global mission.

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Center for World Christian Studies

CWCS is a bridge between North Park Theological Seminary and Serve Globally’s international network of partners. CWCS provides training, scholarships, internship opportunities, and intercultural development assessments for students, global personnel, churches, and related ministry organizations.

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Paul Carlson Parnership

Our mission is to catalyze the holistic growth of healthy families and communities in places of deep poverty. Working together with partners in Africa and elsewhere, we invest in local efforts in medical and economic development.

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Covenant Kids Congo

Covenant Kids Congo, a partnership with the Covenant in the U.S. and Canada, the Covenant Church of Congo, and World Vision, began in 2012 as a response to the needs of children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We continue to work for sustainable community development and clean water, education, health, agriculture, economic development, and advocacy.

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Covenant World Relief and Development

Covenant World Relief and Development works through local partners around the world to reduce human suffering for the most vulnerable people and to support healthy communities.

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This guide is designed to help churches discern, establish, and strengthen connections with missionaries or global personnel and global partners supported by your congregation.

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This resource provides guiding questions and exercises to help your church think carefully about how to journey together with global partnerships for enduring kingdom impact.

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A six week study of the Book of Jonah for groups that will provide a deeper appreciation of the relentless love of God for all people, no matter who they are or what they have done.

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A convenient daily prayer guide to pray for God’s work around the world and specifically for Covenant missionaries, ministry partners, and the countries in which they serve.

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As Serve Globally we are committed to the mission of the Covenant by joining God and the global church in God’s mission to see more disciples among more populations in a more caring and just world.

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Recommended reading from Serve Globally

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An anti-sex trafficking initiative of the Evangelical Covenant Church that calls the global church to pray, learn, give, and act to oppose the evil of sex-trafficking both domestically and globally.

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Since 1965, committed friends with a missionary spirit have joined together to support the work of Covenant missionaries and our international ministry partners by collectively contributing to Friends of World Mission (FOWM) projects.

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Salt Beyond Suburbia

How a visit to the Colombian Covenant Church challenged outdated views of mission and revealed the transformative power of the gospel through faith, courage, and community.

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Quilting a Tapestry of Hope

Pastor Leonid Regheta, working with Hillside Covenant Church and other Covenant churches, builds bridges of reconciliation, supporting Ukrainian refugees and uniting diverse immigrant communities.

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Support Serve Globally

Your gift to Serve Globally extends the whole mission of God through our partners, ministries, and missionaries around the world.

Lina Sánchez-Herrera

Chicago West Suburbs, Illinois

ECC Conference: Central
Gender: Female


Receiving New Directees: Yes
Directing Clergy: Yes
Client Genders: Both men and women
Skype or Facetime: Yes
Languages: English, Spanish
Retreat/Workshop Leader: Yes


C. John Weborg Center for Spiritual Direction, North Park Theological Seminary


Pastors/Church Leadership, Missionaries, University Students, Discernment Process, Transitions, Multi-Ethnic Issues, Second Half of Life, Prayer, Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius

Prior to moving to the USA, I was a professor at the National University of Colombia and served with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students in Colombia for 16 years. Starting in 2001, I served as InterVarsity National Staff in the USA. I have a master’s degree in Christian Ministries, and I serve in Spiritual Direction to those who want to be fully present and available to God and receive His grace over them. My joy is to see professors and college students coming to know Jesus and being transformed into people that bring the good news of righteousness and justice to others.

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