Women Ministries Seeks to Broaden Participation

CHICAGO, IL (December 15, 2011) – “God wants you and me to shine,” the letter begins.

“Scripture says we shine when we stop worshiping in shallow, perfunctory ways and bravely step up to serve God’s righteous purposes,” the letter continues. “So, each time we do a righteous thing, a bright light breaks out. We sparkle and shine – and God is glorified and pleased!”

The year-end letter from the Department of Women Ministries proceeds to recount numerous ways in which women throughout the Covenant have joined together to make a big difference in the lives of countless individuals throughout the year, especially in areas of compassion, mercy and justice.

Several volunteers spent hours this week stuffing envelopes that will be mailed within the next few days to Covenant churches, various lay leaders and supporters throughout the Covenant.

Embracing the image of being light to the world around us, the letter notes that supporters of the various ministries “sparkle and shine like the stars in the heavens” when:

  • An AVA advocate makes a phone call to support a woman struggling with abuse
  • A Women Ministries team leads a letter-writing campaign in support of stronger anti-trafficking laws
  • A group spends hours making garments for babies and rolling bandages for Congo
  • A woman develops a friendship with someone in prison or in a shelter
  • An individual invites a lonely neighbor to a bible study, to worship or to an outreach event

“You may never have realized what a difference your simple efforts can make,” the letter offers as a word of encouragement. “But, they do make a difference!”

The letter concludes with an invitation to support the work of Women Ministries – especially Advocacy for Victims of Abuse (AVA) and the anti-trafficking initiative Break the Chains. To donate online, visit the Friends of Women Ministries area as part of the enhanced “Donate Now” link on the home page of the Covenant website.

Picture of Covenant Companion

Covenant Companion

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