Links: What Covenanters Are Talking About Online

By Stan Friedman

CHICAGO, IL (August 3, 2012) – Many Covenanters routinely share links to social media articles and videos with one another that Covenant News Service believes may be of interest to others. Following is a sample of those submissions – their inclusion does not represent an endorsement of any views expressed.

Writer Observes Sabbath by Disconnecting from Electronics – Unplug? The thought of getting away from the computer for just one passing of sundown to one sun up would cause most of us to recoil in panic. I guess that’s saying something, and it’s not good.

Justin Bieber, Worship Wars, and Your Brain on Music – Are the so-called worship wars really all “Justin your head?”

Faith Is Central to Marathoner’s Approach – Another writer might have portrayed Hall as a buffoon or at least delivered a backhanded passive-aggressive editorial slap. This respectful article highlights how American marathoner Ryan Hall turns to his faith to help him develop his training regimen. There is the requisite reference to Eric Liddell and Chariots of Fire.

Fasting during Ramadan Tough Decision for Muslim Olympians – If only the choices were easy. What does our opinion of the athletes’ decisions say about the ones we make? Perhaps we are too legalistic, but then again, we might not really be sincere when we talk about making sacrifices.

Good for Denominations to Remember a Theology of Plenty – The pastor directs his blog post to fellow Methodists, but it is a good word for every denomination. It is important to be self-critical and consider the best ways to communicate to a world that is more skeptical than ever; however, just focusing on our negatives can prevent us from sharing the good news of the gospel.

Editor’s note: If you have a link you would like considered for publication, please email Covenant Communications.

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Covenant Companion

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