Memorial Service Pending for Anne Ericson

PLANTATION, FL (March 11, 2013) – A memorial service is pending for retired Evangelical Covenant Church missionary Anne (Busk) Ericson. She died Friday.

Ericson, 90, was born May 23, 1922, in Funasdalen, Sweden. Her family emigrated to Canada, and she later attended the Covenant Bible Institute in Canada.

She married L. Daniel Ericson on September 7, 1946. He died in 2012.

The couple served in local Covenant churches in the United States and multiple ministries in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Prior to being called to Congo, they served churches in Nelson, British Columbia, and Thomaston, Connecticut. Following retirement, they served in South Lake Stevens, Washington.

They served in the Democratic Republic of Congo from 1951 to 1974.

While in Congo, she was in charge of teaching the wives of prospective preachers and teachers while in Gbado. While serving at the Congo Christian Institute in Bolenge and the Bible Institute in Tandala, she supervised and taught at the Women’s School for Wives of the student teachers and preachers. In Bokada, she supervised the primary school and taught home economics to the girls.

The couple served as chaplains at the Immanuel International School in Stockholm, Sweden, from 1977 to 1987 and then oversaw the Paul Carlson Medical Program (now the Paul Carlson Partnership) as it came under Covenant World Mission.

Ericson is survived by four children.

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