Covenanters Run in Record Heat to Benefit CKC

ElenaClaire Lindholtz, administrative coordinator for Start and Strengthen Churches, was exuberant after finishing her run. SSC Executive Minister John Wenrich was just glad he made it to the finish line.

CHICAGO, IL (September 25, 2017) – Covenant Offices employees who ran the Chicago Half-Marathon amid sweltering record-breaking heat on Sunday said they gained an even greater appreciation of the need for clean water wells in Gemena, Democratic Republic of the Congo, that are being built through Covenant Kids Congo.

Women in Gemena may have to walk as far as 6K (3.7 miles) to retrieve water from dirty sources for their families’ needs. Temperatures during Sunday’s run in Chicago exceeded 90 degrees.

“I thought about how difficult it must be for women to walk so far in the heat for water,” said Tracy Torgerson, a receptionist who ran the 5K. “I was so thirsty! I wasn’t even carrying anything, let alone my family’s daily water needs.”

Torgerson added that she was aware she had choices that women in Congo don’t. “I knew that there would be water stations and first aid stations if it became too much. I could also tap out if I needed to, and there were people there to help me.”

The group of 25 participants ran as part of Team World Vision and raised at least $17,000.

“I’ve been to Congo and seen the desperate need for clean water and the resilience of the people there,” said denomination president Gary Walter, who ran the 5K. “It is awe-inspiring, and I am grateful for the work being done by Covenant Kids Congo in partnership with the Congo Covenant Church.”

So far, CKC has worked with local contractors to build wells and cap springs that have provided clean water for 28,000 people.

Covenant Kids Congo is gearing up for the Global 6K for Water on May 19, 2018. Interested churches can sign up to host a 6K in their neighborhood.

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