Embrace Webinar: Gender Dysphoria and Pastoral Care

CHICAGO, IL (September 27, 2018) – The next Embrace webinar will be with Steve Froehlich, a pastor who has ministered extensively to people with gender dysphoria.

The webinar will be held Thursday, October 11, at noon (CDT).

The webinar will give a better understanding of what gender dysphoria (gender identity conflict) is and what might be a Christian framework for providing pastoral care.

Froehlich has written a widely read paper on pastoral care and gender dysphoria. In 2017, he spoke at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary at a pastors’ forum on the topic.

Froehlich is senior pastor of New Life Presbyterian Church in Ithaca, New York. Previously he served as board chair of the Chesterton House Center for Christian Studies at Cornell University and as executive vice president of Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi.

Register here for the webinar and to email questions in advance for consideration during the webinar at embrace@covchurch.org.

Viewers are encouraged to read Froehlich’s white paper in advance of the webinar. It is posted online.

Previous webinars can be viewed here.

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