Strong Earthquake Hits Anchorage

No one was hurt when the on ramp at International and Minnesota collapsed.

ANCHORAGE, AK (November 30, 2018) – Alaska Conference superintendent Curtis Ivanoff said that he has heard of no injuries to Covenanters following the preliminary 7.0 magnitude earthquake that rocked Anchorage and surrounding area around 8:30 local Alaska Standard Time this morning.

One pastor’s family suffered a gas leak at their house, and a wall at the Mat-Su Covenant Church was cracked, Ivanoff said. He and others are without power.

Ivanoff said the earthquake was “intense.” Covenanter Sarah Shepard-Scoles posted on her Facebook page, “O dear God in Heaven! That is the worst earthquake I’ve ever felt.”

Initial news reports indicate that there has been damage to roads and sent people running from buildings or to hide under desks. Images show stores and offices where items that had been on shelves were strewn across the floor.

So far, there are no reports of deaths or serious injuries.

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