Next Embrace Webinar Tomorrow

CHICAGO, IL (December 12, 2018) – The next Embrace webinar will be from noon to 1 p.m. (CDT), Thursday, featuring a conversation with Jill Slattery on “Sexual Discipleship: Shifting the Paradigm.”

Slattery is the author of Rethinking Sexuality, which focuses on how to engage questions of human sexuality through the paradigm of discipleship.

The webinar will highlight how to help followers of Christ to know what it means to yield every area of life, including sexuality, to the love and lordship of Jesus.

Register online to participate.

The webinar is the ninth in a series. Past webinars can be viewed online. Embrace is a suite of human sexuality discipleship resources and experiences in harmony with the ECC’s adopted position, the center of which is “Faithfulness in heterosexual marriage, celibacy in singleness.”

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