Strategic Alignment Team Update

The Strategic Alignment Team and the Location Advisory Committee continue to prayerfully seek the discernment and wisdom of the Holy Spirit. In our efforts to fully sustain and enhance the Evangelical Covenant mission by alignment, stewardship and maximizing of opportunities provided, these teams continue to assess, discuss, and interact with many factors. To do this in the midst of an ongoing pandemic and momentous global change and uncertainty is no mean feat. However, we are strengthened by the fact that our God is all-sufficient to provide for the mission to which He has called us. We treasure your prayers!

Moving forward, the Strategic Alignment Team (SAT) and Location Advisory Council (LAC) will be providing monthly updates.

In January the SAT continued:

  • Discussing structural models that create greater missional effectiveness and financial sustainability.
  • Evaluating the needs of the denomination as identified through the listening efforts this past fall, as well as the financial impacts of aligning the structure for long-term sustainability.
  • Engaging with external constituent groups, ministry partnerships, and leaders that intersect with the efforts of the denominational team to discuss, analyze, and explore a variety of structural models.

The SAT also is evaluating the pros and cons of a distributed workforce model and the impacts of different options in serving the denomination and supporting staff operations.

The LAC has continued to monitor and discuss what the current work model will be.

Regarding the sale of the building:

  • A leaseback of the current 8303 building is still a part of the sale of the building and would allow the Covenant time to decide if staff will go fully virtual.
  • There has been no further activity on the sale of the building in November and December. This is typical of the real estate cycle during the holidays.
  • Leasing a couple of floors of the building would help it sell.

As the LAC discusses a future location, it is possible that they may be facility needs required to support the operational work of the staff. This is a great opportunity to envision what would work well and determine the purpose of the building.

The LAC is also considering options for a virtual work structure. Technological and personnel infrastructure is needed to connect and afford people the opportunity to engage effectively with their work and with the office. Digital infrastructure requires the most financial investment right now. What the virtual culture looks like and how staff can be given the best opportunity to thrive also need to be considered. How do we stay connected and remain face-to-face in a digital environment? We need to transparently communicate with constituents, so they know what is happening and feel engaged in the process. The next meeting for the LAC will take place in February 2021.

There is more to come on the conclusions for these areas, but it is a priority for the SAT and LAC committees to make these recent updates available.

We are grateful for a prayer team that regularly lifts up these efforts as we seek the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Please pray for the work of these teams, for the Lord’s guidance, clarity and wisdom of all involved through this process, and for the work of the mission to be furthered and sustained in whatever outcomes is determined.

To read more about the SAT and LAC committees visit

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