May Prayer Practice

Happy spring! The adage “April showers bring May flowers” bears bits of truth. There are seasons like spring when sometimes the rains are gentle and cleansing, washing away leftover dirt or debris that just needed a nudge to reveal something new and beautiful. Sometimes the rains are not so gentle. They are not the kind that nourishes fragile plants as they begin to blossom but are more like torrential downpours and can feel overwhelming, even destructive. Life carries many peaks and valleys, and when you are in the midst of a stormy season, the flowers that might grow later aren’t the first things that come to mind.

The storm narratives in Scripture are captivating! The Lord sends a storm to Jonah that is only quelled when he is tossed off the boat and into the water. Jesus sleeps through a storm and then calms the waters. Peter walks on the water until his nerves get the best of him when the winds pick up, and once again, Jesus brings calm. There is calm after the storm, a quiet or peace that feels different than other moments. When was the last time that you felt that kind of deep peace? A wonderful letting go moment? A deep breath that releases every anxiety where you feel a moment of just being? We would love to hear your story! What did the storm you faced teach you? How did it change you? Please email us with your stories. We’d love to hear from you!

Silence Prayer

The prayer practice for this month is the “Silence” prayer. This practice is simply being with God in silence. It is different from the contemplative practice as the goal is not meditation or focus, but one of being emptied to receive. This will be an easier shift for those working through the contemplative practice, as you have already been practicing a quiet posture and space. To further clarify, this is also not silent prayer, where you are actively engaging in requests, praise, adoration, etc.

The point of this practice is simply to sit and be present to whatever God will pour out or reveal. Like the contemplative practice, it involves finding a quiet place and a comfortable posture to help your body rest well. In contemplative practices, we focus on a word or a short phrase to keep connected to a mediative mindset. The silence practice leads us to be fully emptied, ready to receive a word from God.

To try this prayer practice:

  1. Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably.
  2. Relax (this might be the hardest step!) and just be present with the silence.
  3. Start small (1-2 minutes) and build to 8-10 minutes.
  4. Keep a journal of what you have heard from God during these times. If possible, share with friends and family what you have learned.

Pray for Gather, June 26-29, 2024, in Cincinnati, Ohio

  • Pray for Covenant pastors gathering for the Ministerium meetings for fellowship, education, and decision-making.
  • Pray for our newest credentialed pastors who will be ordained this year.
  • Pray for church delegates coming from each conference to ask good questions and to make prayerful decisions.
  • Pray for Covenant Office leadership as they prepare their reports to share.
  • Pray for the Covenant Office staff as they tend to the many details of the event.
Picture of Tammy Swanson-Draheim

Tammy Swanson-Draheim

Tammy Swanson-Draheim serves as president of the Evangelical Covenant Church.

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