June Prayer Practice

Cicadas are curious creatures. There are many kinds, or broods. Some come around each year, some emerge on 13-year cycles, and others on 17-year cycles. They have a solid internal clock that “wakes them up” at just the right time. On rare occasions, such as this summer, all of these cycles line up, so multiple broods of cicadas are making their presence known in their physical bodies and in the remnants of their exoskeletons, which mark places they have grown out of. They have a distinct song that can be heard loud and clear throughout the day and night.

What does any of this have to do with prayer?

Like those different broods of cicadas, the church has different seasons of prayer, and on occasion, these divine encounters with the Holy Spirit show up clearly. Some refer to these moments with the Greek word kairos, meaning the right time, season, or opportunity. We are currently in the season of Pentecost, which marks a significant kairos moment for the church. On that first Pentecost, the many languages being spoken all at once may have sounded loud and confusing, but perhaps we can imagine them transforming into a rhythmic echo of cicada songs, coming together into something unusual but beautiful. 

For the Evangelical Covenant Church in particular we are also in a season of coming together from varying regions (and if you will allow the analogy of the cicadas’ songs to go a bit further), bringing our unique voices in song as delegates to the Gather celebration in Cincinnati. These voices will come to worship, listen, and pray together as we collectively discern the next verse we will learn and sing together as God’s people.

A few weeks later, high school-aged students from across the United States will gather together at two regional events, Unite East and Unite West, to be immersed in the Spirit of God through worship, conversation, prayer—and some fun too, of course! They will bring their unique song to add to the Covenant Church. It is exciting, and together we lift up our prayers as we ask God to cover all of it.

This Month’s Prayer Practice: A Prayer Walk

This can be a great time of year to be outside and immersed in God’s presence by walking in nature. Below are some ways to engage in prayer as you walk around your community park, neighborhood, or even on a treadmill.

  1. Ask God to Reveal
    • Lord, what do you need from me / your people in this time and place?
    • Who within my community are you moving in today?
    • What are unseen barriers to your work here?
  2. Ask God to Renew
    • Pray for the renewal of your own faith.
    • Pray for the renewal of the Church.
    • Pray for the renewal of leaders in your community.
  3. Ask God for Revival
    • Pray for kairos moments to come clearly to the Church.
    • Pray for boldness in proclaiming the good news of Jesus.
    • Pray for the renewal of faith for friends and family.

Ways you can be praying for the Covenant Church this month

Pray for all who are attending the upcoming Gather celebration:

  • For delegates to be prayerful in decisions.
  • For general attendees and award recipients to experience God’s presence throughout the business of the day.
  • For online participants, that all of the technical pieces run smoothly and that the experience is as immersive as possible.
  • For Covenant leaders and staff as they present reports and tend to the many details and questions throughout the event.

Pray for Unite:

  • For the interim youth ministry and events teams: Matt Aalseth, Erik Anderson, Michelle Bielby, Sally Carlson, Erik Cave, Jim Eaton, Matt Knapp, Jorden Meyers, Ginny Olson, Jane Chao Pomeroy, Edgar Torres, and Ruby Varghese.
  • For students who attend, that they will experience the deep love of God and say yes to the next steps of God’s call on their life.
  • For the many volunteers, that they will receive rest, spiritual renewal, and nourishment amidst their many responsibilities throughout the week.
  • For generosity in funding this event and for additional scholarship support to be made available to any student in need who wants to attend.

We love to hear your stories of how God is moving among you. Please email us with your reflections, good news, and God moments. May God continue to move us faithfully forward together for his glory and neighbor’s good.

More Prayer Practices >>

Picture of Tammy Swanson-Draheim

Tammy Swanson-Draheim

Tammy Swanson-Draheim serves as president of the Evangelical Covenant Church.

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