Stories & News


The Unnerving Season

Long before the 3-M company invented Post-it Notes, God was already prompting his people to jot down reminders of important events. The Hebrew word zakhor, which means remember, appears 169 times in the Hebrew Bible. The call to remember, along with the admonition not to forget, appears so frequently in the book of Deuteronomy that some scholars say the text puts forth a theology of memory for people of faith.

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Tomorrow Is the Big Day

Funds donated on Giving Tuesday will enable Covenant World Relief partners and Serve Globally missionaries to come alongside refugees in empowering ways, providing food, clothing, education, and health care. 

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The Hard Work of Gratitude

’Tis the season to give thanks. It’s the time of year when we ask each other, “What are you thankful for?” And studies indicate that 78 percent of Americans say they felt strongly grateful in the past week.

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The Sword Without the Spirit

A man in my hometown recently filed a lawsuit against the instructor of his sword-fighting class because, while demonstrating a particular move, the instructor accidentally stabbed him in the eye. When I read that story in the news, my first thought was, Oh, man, that would preach.

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