Grow Kids
Grow Kids
These Make and Deepen Disciples resources include suggestions for exploring and preparing children to participate in worship, communion, prayer, and reading the Bible.

Tips for Engaging Children in Worship includes 40 ideas for parents and the church to engage and help children participate in worship. This resource can be used as a discussion starter for parenting classes, a tool for church staff discussions, a bulletin insert, or a handout for parents.
Tips for Talking with Children about Communion includes suggestions for exploring and preparing children to participate in communion. Great for parents, teachers, and as a handout resource for families. This resource is downloadable or you may order print-on-demand copies through the Covenant Bookstore.
Tips for Encouraging Children to Pray includes ten great ideas for expanding the prayer life of children and families. Helpful for teachers, parents and as a handout resource for families. This resource is downloadable or you may order print-on-demand copies through the Covenant Bookstore.
The Bible
Tips for Engaging the Children in the Bible includes age appropriate bible suggestions, developmental considerations and ideas on how to read the bible with children ages 2-10. Great for parents, teachers and as a handout resource for families. This resource is downloadable or you may order print-on-demand copies through the Covenant Bookstore.

God Conversations
As we engage daily in God Conversations, God becomes a natural part of all our conversations with family, friends and even those we don’t know. It provides insight on where each of us is in our daily walk with Christ, helping us see where we are flourishing, and where we are struggling. Such authentic conversations will enable us to support and encourage children in their journey with Christ. Helpful for teachers, parents and as a handout resource for families.