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Growing Deeper Practices

Ready to go deeper? Spiritual practices have long been a way for us to be first “in God” so we might go further in mission. While all include a reflective dimension, all are also active. They are meant to help us be attentive to God’s loving and abiding presence and to find within this space a further sense of God’s will and direction. They can be used by individuals, groups, families, or in the context of worship.


Becoming Generous – Download now

Caring for Creation – Download now

Choosing Justice – Download now

Developing a Rule of Life – Download now

Embodying Our Faith – Download now

Keeping a Spiritual Journal – Download now

Praying in Community – Download now

Praying Scripture – Download now

Praying Through Art – Download now

Reading the Bible – Download now

Reviewing Your Day – Download now

Telling Your Story – Download now

Walking with God – Download now

Walking with Others – Download now

Order printed version(s) here


Caminar con Dios – Download now

Caminar con Otros – Download now

Contar su Historia – Download now

Cuidar la Creacion – Download now

Desarrollar una Regla de Vida – Download now

Encarnar Nuestra Fe – Download now

Examen Diario – Download now

Leer la Biblia – Download now

Llevar un Diario Espiritual – Download now

Optar por la Justicia – Download now

Orar con Base en la Biblia – Download now

Orar en Comunidad por el Mundo – Download now

Orar por Medio del Arte – Download now

Vivir Generosamente – Download now

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