Life at the Border
Behind the rhetoric, headlines, and statistics surrounding immigrationare the stories of individuals and a Texas community living with thedaily realities of a complex issue.
Behind the rhetoric, headlines, and statistics surrounding immigrationare the stories of individuals and a Texas community living with thedaily realities of a complex issue.
Stories That Shaped My Faith Before my son was born, like most new moms, I had all kinds of questions. How do I swaddle a
When Talakai Finau took his son to college,he never imagined how it would change his own life. by Erin Chan Ding | January 17, 2020
Scripture, Culture, and AgricultureAn Agrarian Reading of the Bible Ellen F. Davis CambridgeUniversity Press, 254 pages Reviewed by Dave Rinker | December 9, 2019
Receiving Advent’s Covenant Promise Planning, leading, guiding, and preaching on Sundays is a high honor and privilege. But planning worship for the Advent and Christmas
The Disregarded Gift With all our focus on Christmas,does the manger still catch us unaware? by Leeann Younger | December 2, 2019 Tanya’s life
Sustainable Young Adult MinistryMaking It Work, Making It LastMark DeVries and Scott PontierIVP Books, 224 pages Reviewed by Jordan Cone | November 20, 2019
The North Park Distinctive An Interview with Mary Surridge by Erin Chan Ding | November 18, 2019 At her inauguration less than one
Harbored Serving the world without leaving the wharf by Cathy Norman Peterson | November 4, 2019 A row of buildings fronting the wharf at Boston
Shalom Colombia How young peacemakers are leadingefforts to transform their communities by David Husby | November 1, 2019 The municipality of El Bagre, Colombia, is