Deadline for Nominations for Executive Minister of Ordered Ministry / Develop Leaders Approaching

January 5, 2022

Dear Covenant Friends,

The Nominating Committee has continued our work to seek a candidate for executive minister of Ordered Ministry/Develop Leaders (OM-DL). With Rev. Lance Davis’s decision not to seek a second term in this role, our committee launched the nominating work by reviewing the constitutional process and considering the necessary qualities for this key leadership position.

In light of Rev. Davis’s departure from his role on January 31, 2022, the Covenant Executive Board will appoint an interim executive minister of OM-DL to complete the term through August 2022.

We have received valuable comments from many voices in the Covenant. The committee has reviewed your input to develop a position description and outline core competencies related to this leadership role. We are now receiving nominations for the executive minister position. Nominations and self-nominations will be received through February 1, 2022.

To nominate a person for consideration, please submit a nomination to by February 1, 2022. Please include your email and phone contact information with your nomination.

All nominations must include:

  • The name of the nominator
  • The name of the church, city, and state of the nominator
  • The name of the nominee(s)
  • The Covenant church and conference where the nominee holds membership
  • A brief paragraph describing why this person is being nominated (250 character maximum per nominee)

We ask for your prayers as we continue this work on behalf of the wider Covenant Church.

Click here for the Core Competencies >>

Click here for the Position Overview >>

By His Grace,

Sharon Anderson
Chair, OM-DL Nominating Committee

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